How to Handle a Bad Boss? A very Practical guide
As an employee, you are not always in control of your success.
Of course, you can control your behavior and performance, but there are other factors outside your control that can either ruin your career or make you thrive. And one of these factors is your boss.
4 Steps to Conquer your Worst Fears
When I was 22 years old, I started my first business while studying at the university. This was 4 years after my father’s death, and I was searching for financial security for myself and the family.
And I started this business with one thing in my mind, which is to win and to win fast. Failure was not an option for me, and I feared even thinking about it.
3 Things That Separate Top Performers in Companies from the Rest
According to studies conducted by ‘‘change anything lab’’, where they studied the most influential and respected employees in more than 50 companies and dozens of industries, they discovered that best performers differ from the rest in 3 things…
Why do most People Fail to Expand their Career Opportunities?
The World is not revolving around you.
Do you think that you will hang around in this world, doing the things that you want to do only when you want to do them and leaving the things that you dislike or don’t want to do, to a later time in your life?
If you think that you will stay single until you see the world and have fun and then when you are ready you will find your dream man or lady, you are wrong.
Why aren’t we Serious About Pursuing our Goals?
Ever had an important goal, but while pursuing this goal, you found yourself taking some actions that are inconsistent with this goal? As an example, maybe you want to lose weight, and you decided to go to the gym, but after hard training, you found yourself eating junk food? Or you wanted to study something, but after the first chapter, you found yourself hanging out with friends.
3 Tricks that Your Brain Uses to Make You Feel Demotivated or Depressed
When we pass through a bad day or a hard situation in life, we always look at the past and say ‘’it was better’’
But is this really true? And if not, then why do we feel so? That’s what we will discuss in this article.
How a Person’s Value in life is measured?
I received a question from a friend. This question is ‘’How a person’s value in life is measured?’’
Now, to answer this question, we have to break it down into several sub-questions such as…
Why does Goal Setting Fail?
I have a lot of goals and things that I want to achieve. But sometimes I get demotivated or overwhelmed and say that this is too much, and sometimes I say to myself that I have the capability to do and achieve what I want, but I just need to act and execute.
I always dream of being perfect, and I want to do and achieve everything fast, especially since I am now over 30, and I feel that I am already late. This feeling sometimes makes me slow down or even freeze, and then suddenly I wake up and look at myself again to discover that days and even years passed by, and I am still in the same place, and nothing changed. What do you advise me to do?
How to Say ”No” in a Simple way?
The ability to say ‘’No’’ is one of the most important abilities in our lives.
Saying no to others-when needed-allows us to:
Manage our daily schedules as planned.
Focus on our most important goals or tasks.
Maintain the balance between our different priorities.
This mistake can delay your growth
When we were studying at school or university, the teachers and professors used to test our knowledge and readiness through Exams.
In each subject, we used to pass several exams throughout the year, and based on the results we always knew if we were ready and on the right road, or if we were moving in the wrong direction and if a change is needed.
First Step towards discovering Your Talent
More than 80 years ago, there was a young girl studying at school. And even though she was eight years old, but her future was already at risk.
Her schoolwork was not good. She was turning in assignments late, and her exam results were bad. Besides all of this, she was disturbing the whole class because of her continuous movement and fidgeting.
Why Don’t You Feel Happy?
‘’I am not happy’’. This is a sentence that we hear now frequently from a lot of people around us, and even you, or I said it ourselves in the past.
People spend their lifetime searching and doing things only to feel happy. Some people succeed in becoming happier and others do not.
4 Tools to help you become more disciplined and achieve your Goals
A lot of people want to be more disciplined so that they can achieve their dreams and goals. If you want to learn more, work more, be healthier, or do anything else, you need to be more disciplined.
But before we speak about how to be more disciplined, it’s important that you understand the fact that the key to being more disciplined starts with your understanding of how discipline works.
The Biggest Disease of Mankind
Several days ago, I watched a police TV show by coincidence.
In this show, the police caught a 16 years old girl trying to steal money from a lady in the street. When the police asked the girl about the reason why she is trying to steal money-especially since she seemed in good financial condition-she told them that she needs the money to feed herself because her parents were addicted, and they were spending all their money on alcohol.
The Value of the Things we Take for Granted
The clock was pointing to 9 at night. The streets were almost empty except for the cars. The weather was freezing, and the temperature was -7 degrees Celsius. You do not want to be outside your home or even outside your car in this weather.
The first step to building REAL relationships with others
Ever watched a movie or a series and found yourself feeling empathy towards the villain or the bad character in this movie, to the extent that you became a big fan of his or her actions and behavior?
Several weeks ago, I was watching a series
Do your Expectations Really affect your Life?
I want to start this article by telling you a story.
In the seventeenth century, there was a popular medical treatment called ''Perkins tractors''.
‘‘Perkins Tractors’’ were metal pointers, supposedly able to ‘‘pull out’’ disease from ill patients.
How to Improve your Willpower?
Almost all of us wish for more willpower.
We want to resist a piece of cake, stop smoking, or say ''no'' in some situations instead of saying yes and when we are not able to do this, we criticize ourselves by saying that we do not have willpower.
How to Avoid Big Losses in Life?
Ever passed through a bad situation in your business or private life, where you said to yourself ‘’I knew it was going to happen’’.
And even though you knew it was going to happen, you were not prepared for it to happen?
This is because you ignored the red flags.
Are you a Baby Elephant?
Elephant handlers often train baby elephants to be submissive and to conform by chaining them to a metal set upright in the ground.
They’ll fight and do their best to break free. They’ll try day after day, but eventually, they just give up.