How a Person’s Value in life is measured?

I received a question from a friend. This question is ‘’How a person’s value in life is measured?’’

Now, to answer this question, we have to break it down into several sub-questions such as:

1-What is life?

Life is a short and temporary journey where we will spend some time in a particular place (which is earth). Because no matter how long we will live, we know for sure what the ending will be.

2-Why are we here, then?

If you know that you will spend a short amount of time at a specific place and then leave, how will you spend this time? How will you make the people around you feel? How do you want to leave this place looking? What do you want the people to remember you for?

3-What is your definition of the word value?

Do you recognize the things that are expensive as valuable? Or the rare things? Or do you acknowledge something or someone as valuable because of the name/title/brand?

As an example, are you going to label me as valuable and regard my true value as ‘’high’’ because I am a CEO? But if you do this, then maybe you are doing a mistake because some CEOs are horrible, and you cannot spend 10 minutes with them.

Or you are going to label me valuable because I am earning 1000 per hour, and I am wearing fancy clothes? Or because I have a huge number of followers?

Know your own definition of ‘‘value’’ and be honest with yourself.

4-Who will evaluate the value of this person?

Is it you who will evaluate the value of this person or someone else? Because the way we measure or evaluate will always change from one person to another depending on his or her environment, background, culture, and experience.

So how a person’s value in life is really measured?

In my own opinion, the true measure of a human being in life is how much this human is impacting and influencing the lives of others, and for how long this impact will remain.

We were not born to graduate, find a job, buy a car or a house, get married, go on vacations, and live reactively for the next 30–40 years of our lives. This is what a lot of people think, and it's wrong because this is only a part of our life’s journey. We were born for a bigger purpose besides that.

Our human nature prevents us from thinking clearly when we are under threat or pressure. As an example, if you feel that you are under financial pressure continuously, then most probably you will not have the chance to think about helping other people around you (even though some people do).

That is why we need to strive to reach our full potential. Each one of us in his field and place. And to learn as much as we can and achieve as much as we can. When this happens, you will be in great condition to support and help people around you with your actions, money, and knowledge. And then you can change lives.

Not only this, but by learning and reaching your full potential in life you can ensure that maybe you will get the chance to transfer the right values, principles, knowledge, and experience to your kids and grandkids (if you will have any).

And if you transfer the right information, values, and principles to them, guess what? They will be effective people in society when they will grow up, and they can influence others around them as well as their kids and grandkids, and you will contribute to making this world a better place because your impact will remain even after you leave this earth.

But there is something that you need to understand and keep in mind. It is hard. It is hard to achieve this because you will need to move against the norm. You will need to move against the standards and evaluations of others and move against what you think that you may enjoy personally.

So are you ready to take this challenge? To strive to reach your full potential? To learn as much as you can and to do as much as you can without wasting time, and to use what you gained to impact the lives of people around you?


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