Why do Most People Fail to Achieve their Goals and Dreams?
Only some people in this world have the courage to dream, and even a smaller number of these people are able to achieve their dreams.
So, from the minority who have the courage to dream, why do a very small number of these people are able to achieve their dreams, and not all of them?
The secret of the massive success can be summarized in just one sentence. This sentence was said by Phil Heath-of the best professional bodybuilders on the planet-on the stage after winning the Mr. Olympia title again for the 7th time. He said that ''he trained hard when no one is in the room, or when he had a bad day''.
Did you ever wake up from sleeping to find yourself exhausted or not in the mood, so you decided not to put all your effort into what you were doing?
Or another question. How many times did you have a problem with someone and this affected your mood, and you did not do what you must do? Or maybe you did what you must do, but not in the best way and only because someone is watching you.
We are emotional creatures. Our emotional states are one of the main things that we need to learn to handle and control if we really want to succeed in something. But this is only the first step. Because the next step, which is the mastery step, is to do what you need to do even if your boss, your wife, your husband, or your friend is not watching, and even if you are not in the mood or passing through a bad day.
That’s the main reason for success.
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