The Biggest Threat to Your Kids & the Next Generations is YOU
The future of humanity and the next generations is in danger because of us.
Social media and the internet did huge services to humanity, but they also harmed humanity. And one of the things that are harming humanity is the rise of influencers.
What the hell does even an influencer mean? From time to time I visit people’s profiles, and I see this explicitly written in their biographies, that they are ‘’Influencers’’. And then I cannot stop myself from laughing. Because what does it mean that I write about myself, that I am influencing people? And then I start laughing more when I see what they are producing and sharing most of the time.
It's very normal nowadays to see a person creating his own fan page and calling himself an influencer or a public figure. This is ok, of course, if he or she was doing something meaningful that can influence others positively or help them in their lives or start a positive change.
But according to what I see today, this is not the case.
In the past few years, I used to see pathetic posts containing funny meaningless videos from guys who are calling themselves public figures, or from girls who are filling their Instagram pages with Bikini photos and calling themselves influencers. And the question that usually pops into my head is ‘’Influencing what exactly? Or in other words, what are you influencing people to do?’’
With the rise of these people, your kid will come to you one day and say ‘’I decided not to study, not to educate myself, or to take any meaningful action because I decided to be an influencer.’’ And you will keep wondering what made him or her think this way, and you will say to yourself, ‘’I made everything right. I gave my kid attention; I sent him to the best schools, and I did all that I can to raise him up as an educated kid and help him have a bright future.’’
All the things that you did are great, but let us face reality. It is you. You are the main reason for this change in his or her mentality, and you made him, or her think this way.
If you are following these people and sharing their content, then do not blame anyone except yourself because you are helping these influencers and public figures to grow and to spread their messages. You are making them famous. You are helping a meaningless message get viral while dumping or hiding the important, useful one. Because that’s how the algorithm on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or LinkedIn works. Their algorithms are designed to highlight the content which is having huge interaction. So, in the end, it's you who is spreading these messages, not the content creator or the influencer.
So if you are spending time on social media, and you saw a meaningful message, a post, or a video, and you are not interested in checking it because you want to have fun on social media, or If you are a guy or a lady who believes that your education should come only from your 9 to 5 job, and you are not willing to study, read or learn at home, then it’s ok. You do not have to check those educational or meaningful posts or interact with them.
The educational and meaningful content is not for everyone, exactly as not everyone in this life will be successful, help others, or leave something meaningful behind him or her that others can benefit from. But my request to you is, on the other hand, to not interact or re-share the meaningless posts of these other so-called public figures or influencers.
And here is my final message to you. If you keep watching football games and movies during your free time, then do not ask your kids to go and read or learn something meaningful during their free time.
If you keep sharing the news of Football stars, or news about movie celebrities, then do not ask your kid to become a scientist or a CEO.
And if you keep speaking about movie stars and football players with your friends, then do not ask your kid to be creative or a Nobel Prize winner.
Because simply, if your kid sees that the people who are becoming rich, and famous and everyone is speaking and sharing their news are the social media influencers, movie stars, football players…etc. Then why should he choose to become something else?
I shared my message, and now it's up to you to stop this new disease. Stop it before it’s too late and before regretting it.